When it comes to optimizing your website for search engines, the primary goal to achieve by keeping the latest Google algorithms in mind is to do Google trust-building. Unlike olden times, it is not such an easy goal, but one needs to be knowledgeable and strategic to achieve this.
The competition at the online marketplace is so intense now that even the top brands are struggling to keep their position in the search engine listing. On the other hand, the scope is that even the smallest brands can come on top if they effectively tackle the SEO game with fool-proof strategies. In this article, we will try to explore some of the key components to consider while endeavoring Google trust-building.
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Important factors of Google trust-building and SEO performance
The indexed age
Google very much cares about the ‘indexed age’ of your website and the content. A new site to Google will have a hard time getting ranked on its SERPs than another one having an indexed age. Indexed age is the date when Google discovered that particular web page.
Authority profile
Google does a search for a genuine link profile which signifies trust and authority. As per experts, authority profiles implies real quality links which may obviously be coming from good quality content from across the web. So, search engine cares about the relevancy of the sites which are linking to your website and also the quality of the content consisting of those links.
Underlying Content
Underlying content too is vital. There are too many people who simply skimp on content, but underlying content is the primary anchor, which tether you to all relevant Google algorithms. This content having errors, duplication, or spun content may badly hurt you. Instead, you need to plan the content not to be too lengthy, but also needed to be written well with a keyword centric approach and highly engaging and letting the readers spend a fair amount of time by consuming and digesting the content.
Like what people usually do, you may likely wonder how one can appear organically on Google’s SERPs. There are plenty of factors which affect your rank in Google’s latest algorithm. There are hundreds of such factors to consider but to be precise, there are some specific rules which you shouldn’t avoid while working on this goal. We will discuss such rules in our forthcoming articles. For now, to start with, it is important for you to understand the relevance of the above-mentioned elements and set it right for your website to start your SEO success journey.